9 things to know about the Ebola virus

Ebola began as a handful of cases in Guinea in March but quickly spread to neighbouring Sierra Leone and Liberia.

Here are 9 things to know about what the WHO calls “one of the world’s most virulent diseases.”

Why does Ebola generate such fear? Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) describes Ebola as “one of the world’s most deadly diseases.” “It is a highly infectious virus that can kill up to 90% of the people who catch it, causing terror among infected communities,” it says.

There is also no vaccination against it.

There are five subtypes of Ebola, the Zaire strain and the first to be identified is considered the most deadly.

Preliminary tests by the WHO suggested that was was the strain of the Ebola virus identified in Guinea in March but this has yet to be confirmed.

What is Ebola?

The Ebola virus causes viral haemorrhagic fever which is the name given to a group of viruses that affect multiple organs in the body, according to the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). These viruses can also cause internal bleeding.

The virus is named after the Ebola River in the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), which was where one of the first outbreaks occurred back in 1976. In the same year there was another outbreak recorded in Sudan.

The five different strains of the Ebola viruses are named after the areas they originated in. Three of these have been associated with large outbreaks of haemorrhagic fever in Africa.


These are the Bundibugyo, which is an area of Uganda where the virus was discovered in 2007. There are two Sudan and Zaire sub-types.

There has been a solitary case of Ivory Coast Ebola. Interestingly, this subtype was discovered when a researcher studying wild chimpanzees became ill in 1994 after an autopsy on one of the chips.

Reston Ebola is the final and fifth strain and gets it’s name from Reston in the U.S. state of Virginia, where this strain of the Ebola virus was identified in monkeys imported from the Philippines. While humans have been infected with this strain, the CDC says there have been no cases of human death from this sub-type.

How do you know if you have Ebola? 

Early symptoms of the Ebola virus include sudden onset of fever, weakness, muscle pain, headaches and a sore throat. These symptoms can appear two to 21 days after infection.

The problem with the symptoms says the WHO is that these are non specific and can be mistaken for signs of diseases such as malaria, typhoid fever, meningitis or simply flu.

Some patients may also develop a rash, red eyes, hiccups, chest pains and difficulty breathing and swallowing. The early symptoms progress to vomiting, diarrhoea, impaired kidney and liver function and sometimes internal and external bleeding.

Ebola can only be definitively confirmed by five different laboratory tests.

How is it treated?

While there are lots of research and experiments going on there are no specific treatments for Ebola. Patients are isolated and then supported by health care workers.

Health workers Treat patient by hydrating them, maintaining their oxygen status and blood pressure and treating them for any complicating infections
There have been cases of numerous health care workers contracting the virus from patients, and the WHO has issued guidance for dealing with confirmed or suspected cases of the virus.

Caregivers are advised to wear impermeable gowns and gloves and to wear facial protection such as goggles or a medical mask to prevent splashes to the nose, mouth and eyes.

The 2012 outbreak in Uganda was controlled by placing a control area around its treatment centre. An outbreak is considered over once 42 days — double the incubation period of the disease — have passed without any new cases.

What drugs exist to combat the disease?

2 American missionary workers infected with Ebola were given an experimental drug called ZMapp, which seems to have saved their lives. The drug, developed by a San Diego firm, had never been tried before on humans, but it showed promise in small experiments on monkeys infected with the disease.

However, rolling out an untested drug during a massive outbreak would probably cause even more problems. Experimental drugs are typically not mass-produced, and it is difficult to track the success of such a drug.

ZMapp’s maker says it has very few doses ready for patient use. Other experimental drugs like Tekmira, produced by a Vancouver-based company that has a $140 million contract with the U.S. Department of Defense to develop an Ebola drug. Phase 1 trials began with its drug in January. But the FDA recently halted the trial, asking for more information.

According to Thomas Geisbert, (a leading researcher at the University of Texas Medical Branch) at least one potential Ebola vaccine has been tested in healthy human volunteers. The NIH announced that a safety trial of another Ebola vaccine will start as early as September.

Only back in March, the U.S. National Institute of Health awarded a five-year, $28 million grant to establish a collaboration between researchers from 15 institutions who were working to fight Ebola.

Grant also said that “a whole menu of antibodies have been identified as potentially therapeutic, and researchers are eager to figure out which combinations are most effective and why”

How does Ebola virus spread?

The World Health Organisation says it is believed that fruit bats may be the natural host of the Ebola virus in Africa, passing on the virus to other animals.

Humans contract Ebola through contact with the bodily fluids of infected animals or the bodily fluids of infected human beings.

MSF says that while the virus is believed to be able to survive for some days in liquid outside an infected organism, various methods will kill it including chlorine disinfection, heat, direct sunlight, soaps and detergents.

MSF epidemiologist Kamiliny Kalahne said outbreaks usually spread in areas where hospitals have poor infection control and limited access to resources such as running water.

“People who become sick with it almost always know how they got sick: because they looked after someone in their family who was very sick — who had diarrhea, vomiting and bleeding — or because they were health staff who had a lot of contact with a sick patient,” she said.

Bats spread the Ebola Virus

Bats spread the Ebola Virus

Can plane passengers become infected?

While the CDC acknowledges it’s possible a person infected with Ebola in West Africa could get on a plane and arrive in another country, the chances of the virus spreading during the journey are low.

“It’s very unlikely that they would be able to spread the disease to fellow passengers,” said Stephen Monroe, deputy director of CDC’s National Center for Emerging Zoonotic and Infectious Diseases.

“The Ebola virus spreads through direct contact with the blood, secretions, or other body fluids of ill people, and indirect contact — for example with needles and other things that may be contaminated with these fluids.”
He added that most people who have become infected with Ebola lived with or cared for an ill patient.

“This is not an airborne transmission,” said Dr. Marty Cetron, director of CDC’s Division of Global Migration and Quarantine. “There needs to be direct contact frequently with body fluids or blood.”

Travelers should take precautions by avoiding areas experiencing outbreaks and avoid contact with Ebola patients.
“It is highly unlikely that someone suffering such symptoms would feel well enough to travel,” IATA said in a statement.

“In the rare event that a person infected with the Ebola virus was unknowingly transported by air, WHO advises that the risks to other passengers are low. Nonetheless, WHO does advise public health authorities to carry out contact tracing in such instances.”

This means determining who had contact with the affected person.

What should flight crew do if Ebola infection is suspected?

The CDC has issued guidance for airline crews on Ebola virus infections.
“As with many other global infectious disease outbreaks, airline carriers, crew members, airports can be very important partners in that front line,” said Cetron. “Being educated, knowing the symptoms, recognizing what to do, having a response protocol, knowing who to call, those are really, really important parts of the global containment strategy to deal with threats like this.”

The CDC advises that when flight crew members encounter a passenger with symptoms that they suspect could be Ebola, such as fever and bleeding, that they keep the sick person away from other passengers. They’ve been instructed to wear disposable gloves and to provide the sickened person with a surgical mask to prevent fluids from spreading through talking, sneezing or coughing.

The airline cleaning crew are also instructed to wear disposable gloves, wipe down surfaces including armrests, seat backs, trays and light switches. The CDC says that packages and cargo should not pose a risk, unless the items have been soiled with blood or bodily fluids.

When someone becomes ill on a flight, the captain is required by aviation regulations to report the suspected case to air traffic control, according to IATA.
What is the risk of catching Ebola on a plane?
How many cases have there been?

The CDC estimates there have been more than 3,000 cases of Ebola and more than 2,000 deaths since 1976.

The last recorded outbreaks before the current one in Guinea were in 2012 — in Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo.

Ebola Disease Outbreak

Ebola Disease Outbreak

The Uganda outbreak involved a total of 24 probable and confirmed cases, and 17 deaths, according to the WHO, which declared it had ended in October 2012.
MSF said the Uganda outbreak had been the Sudan strain, while the virus found in DRC was the Bundibugyo sub-type.

Before 2014, the most deadly outbreak was the 1976 outbreak in then Zaire, when 280 of 318 infected people died, according to the CDC. In 2000, there were 425 cases of Ebola Sudan in Uganda, which resulted in 224 fatalities.

Scary Truth about Facebook Messenger

This is important to read and understand. I can only report what I have found but can not guarantee how accurate this is. That is, none of it is unbelievable.

We are all a bit sick of having to firstly being forced to use the new messenger app and secondly sick of all the invites to use the stupid thing.

We generally use facebook on our phone more than on our laptop or computer. So at some point you will either have already installed Facebook messenger or at least been invited a number of times.

So let me try and explain what’s happening and what the implications are of using the new app.

facebook messenger

Facebook Messenger

It’s always been OPTIONAL but coming soon to your Facebook experience….it won’t be an option…it will be mandatory if you care to send messages from your phone.

Now you may think this is just another app but what you probably won’t realise is the permissions you must give to Facebook in order to use the Facebook Messenger App.

Here is a short list of the most disturbing permissions it requires and a quick explanation of what it means to you and the privacy settings on your phone.

• Change the state of network connectivity – So Facebook can change or alter your connection to the Internet or your mobile service. You’re basically giving Facebook permission to turn features on your phone on and off and without telling you.

• Call phone numbers and send SMS messages – Facebook is able to automatically send text messages to your contacts on your behalf without your consent.

• Record audio, and take pictures and videos, at any time. Yes, RECORD audio…TAKE pictures and VIDEO….AT ANY TIME!! That means that Facebook can see through your phone’s camera whenever they want.. Facebook can listen to what you’re saying via your microphone whenever they decide to.

• The privacy settings you have to accept when you install the Facebook messenger app also Facebook to read your phone’s call log, including info about incoming and outgoing calls – Who have you been calling? How long did you talk to them?

• Facebook will be able to read your contact data, including who your contacts are, how many you have, who you call and email and how often. Now Facebook will be able to read e-mails you’ve sent and take information from them to use for their own gain, be that “personalized advertisements” or if it’s for “research purposes”. I think what is more scary is the US Government getting hold of this data.

• Facebook will be able to read personal profile information stored on your device – This means all addresses, personal info, pictures or any other private info.

• Get a list of accounts known by the phone, or other apps you use– Facebook will now have a tally of all the apps you use, how often you use them and what information you keep or exchange on those apps. Probably advertise similar apps to you or more.

Having read up and investigated the permissions I have now deleted the app from my phone and don’t intend to use it ever again. I still have my Facebook app but any messages will have to be done on a computer and not on the phone.

With these kinds of privacy invasions Facebook as a simple company is pushing the boundaries of data protection. I still feel this is more for the benefits of the NSA rather than facebook themselves although Facebook will be delighted to have all this data to customise their marketing even further.

In the good old days we used to setup sudo names to protect our identity. But now with apps like Facebook which are very personal to who we are and our real friends we connect to and interact with, our real data is out there. There is no sudo name pretending to be someone else. The real you is out there for a company like Facebook and others to take full advantage of.

We have forgotten about that desire to protect our identity and we just lay down and let them invade our privacy. Or perhaps we are simply too trusting.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger

Perhaps this will happen anyway as many people won’t read this or think it is worth taking action. There will be petitions but who knows if it will be enough. It will have to be significant for Facebook to actually reverse their strategy. And as usual, when everything dies down (hype) they will do it anyway.

So please share this and let your friends know the dangers of the Facebook messenger app and to un-install it immediately if at all possible.

Leopard climbing tree

Leopard climbing tree


Leopard climbing tree

America Has A Secret Super Weapon

Michio Kaku

Dr Michio Kaku

Dr. Michio Kaku Says America Has A Secret Super Weapon.

So why is America seemingly so successful and produces amazing innovations from Silicon valley? When we watch American TV and talk to a lot of people they come across as really stupid. So where do all these Nobel laureates come from?

Well, America has several secret weapons that most nations (especially Americans) have never heard of. The secret weapon, the weapon that keeps the US at the forefront of innovation and scientific progress and high tech, is the H1B.

That is the secret weapon that most nations and people have never heard of. What is it? The H1B is the genius visa. If you are “a genius,” for example you have a PhD, if you have wealth, if you’re an established public figure, then bang, America wants you and you get a green card to go straight into the United States to energize Silicon Valley, which is 50% foreign born.

While Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are not foreign born, 50% of the scientists behind Bill and Steve are foreign-born. There’s a massive brain drain from foreign countries and it the the United States that is sucking in all the top talent and geniuses.

This is where innovation takes place and is rewarded financially. Lets be clear, America does “see the genius in the classroom.” like the young Gates and young Jobs and even the young Albert Einstein.

In the East there is an expression, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.” In the East there is this Confucian tradition that you’re not supposed to make your peers look bad by excelling and trying to achieve something beyond their abilities. Don’t make everyone around you look stupid in other words.

However, in the West, there is another saying, and that is, “The squeaky wheel gets the grease.” So, the innovators, the real imaginative thinkers, they are rewarded in the American system, while in the East they are hammered down.

And third, the American college system is not so bad. Even though the high school system generates millions of near-illiterate students, by the time they hit college, then that’s when they begin to accelerate. That’s when they begin to get up to speed if they have it in them.

But the US can not sustain their scientific establishment this way. They can not continue to rely on foreign scientists. They need to generate their own pool of geniuses.

World’s first surviving panda triplets

World’s first surviving panda triplets
World's first surviving panda triplets

Six month old giant panda cub Long Long eats bamboo in Chimelong Safari Park in Guangzhou in February 16, 2014.

Researchers place new-born panda cubs on a crib on September 23, 2013 at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center in China's Sichuan province.

A keeper tucks in a group of panda cubs for a nap at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Center on September 26, 2011.

There are very few pandas are born every year. Unfortunately, even fewer of the fragile Panda cubs stay alive for very long.

So, when triplet baby panda’s where born recently in China and have so far survived over two weeks, it is seen simply as a miracle.

At birth, the panda cubs, which weighed 122 grams, 90 grams, and 83 grams, respectively. According to all records, they are the only the only living panda triplets in the world.

Juxiao (“chrysanthemum smile”) who is 12 years old, gave birth to the cute little cubs on July 29 2014  in China’s Chimelong Safari Park which is in the southern city of Guangzhou.

“After nearly half a month under the care of the mother, the babies are very healthy,” China Daily reported Dong Guixin (Park Manager) as saying. He also mentioned the delivery took around 4 hours.

The panda cubs have already doubled their weight since birth.

Traditionally, Pandas are known for having very low survival rates, with only a third making it past infancy.

A set of giant panda triplets was born in China, back in 1999 however one died after only three days.

Excitingly, at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland, another baby panda cub is due within the next few weeks to it’s mum Tian Tian.

Elephant Photo

A tribute to the beautiful African Elephant.

African elephants are listed as vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), while the Asian elephant is classed as endangered. One of the biggest threats to elephant populations is the ivory trade, as the animals are still poached for their ivory tusks despite strict laws against it’s trade. That said, other threats to wild elephants include habitat destruction and conflicts with local people especially when they stray onto small farms.

Elephants are herbivorous (don’t eat meat) and can be found in different habitats including savannahs, forests, deserts and marshes. They prefer to stay near water. They are considered to be keystone species due to their impact on their environments.

Naturally, unless about to keel over from hunger, most other animals will tend to keep their distance, especially predators such as lionstigershyenas and wild dogs.

However, they may target calves but these are normally heavily protected by the heard. Females generally live in family groups, which can consist of one female with her calves or several related females (aunts and sisters) with their own offspring.

There is usually a Bull not far aware as the protector.

award winning elephant photo

award winning elephant photo

THE 10 FINALISTS HAVE BEEN SELECTED IN THE WORLD ELEPHANT DAY PHOTO COMPETITION. Here is the ninth by Pieter Jacobus Ras,Raisinphoto. Like and share if you enjoy this image. Keep an eye out for the final image to be shared tomorrow. The most popular image will win the audience prize. All winners will be announced on World Elephant Day, 12 August. With thanks to Conservation Action Trust and Wilderness Safaris.

Elephants on a mission

Photo: Half in half out! Crystal clear!

Half in half out! Crystal clear!

Surfacing Elephant

Photo: A marching band... with trumpets and all! Photo taken in Phinda Game Reserve by Andrew Schoeman Photography.

A marching band… with trumpets and all! Photo taken in Phinda Game Reserve by Andrew Schoeman Photography.

Photo: Elephants at sunset on Matusadona shoreline, Lake Kariba - from The Middle Zambezi  - http://zambezitraveller.com/kariba-middle-zambezi/world-heritage/middle-zambezi

Elephants at sunset on Matusadona shoreline, Lake Kariba (Photo Steve Edwards)

elephant family

What the hell are you looking at?

Trumpeting Elephant

Trumpeting Elephant

African elephant

Awesome Elephants

Awesome Elephants

Stunning Photo


Inside the CDC’s Emergency Operations Center Tackling Ebola

CDC's emergency unit

CDC leaders integral to the Ebola response, including epidemiologists, laboratorians, logistics, and more, assemble in agency’s command center to discuss next steps in directing the response at CDC Emergency operations center in Atlanta, August 8. Spencer Lowell for TIME

With Ebola ravaging West Africa, the CDC’s emergency unit has been called into full-force

Last Friday morning, only a few hours after the World Health Organization officially declared the Ebola outbreak a global public health emergency, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Emergency Operations Center (EOC) kicked into a hive of activity.

Their recently created battle room of computer screens and realtime maps of Ebola spread is fielding calls from U.S. hospitals, offering logistical support for workers in West Africa, and is continuously updating realtime data on the rising number of Ebola infections.

At 10 o’clock there is a daily meeting to discuss what’s happening, the latest news and the latest plan of action. The meeting spills out of the EOC’s primary conference room and contains the CDC’s heads of infectious disease control as well representatives for the State Department and USAID.

Only a couple of days ago, the CDC activated the EOC to a Level 1 response unit, which is the highest alert level and essentially means everyone with related expertise is called in for their expertise.

CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden, said; “We have been very concerned at CDC for weeks and months about Ebola, and we’ve increased our activation to the highest level to surge on a response in Africa,”. He has recently returned from testifying in front of the House Committee of Foreign Affairs about the agency’s ongoing efforts to stop the drastic spread of the disease. “This Ebola outbreak is unprecedented. The single most important thing to understand about protecting Americans from Ebola is that [it has to be stopped] at the source in Africa.”

Now that, is one very interesting statement. So the whole operation is about protecting Americans? Are you kidding me? If there was no risk of Ebola spreading outside of West Africa then basically it sounds like the CDC and EOC would not even be involved. Clearly American lives are significantly more important than African lives or any other non American for that matter. But hey, what do I know.

Since the first week of April, the CDC has had experts on the ground and encouragingly it recently announced that it’s sending a large team of 50 more highly qualified disease specialists, including diseases detectives, laboratory experts and transmission-data analysts over to West Africa in the next month. However the team of experts will need support from the stateside EOC for resources, data collection and communication.

A large part of the EOC team is made up of Epidemic Intelligence Service (EIS) officers—health professionals who are part of the CDC’s two-year training program for investigating infectious disease.

Kelsey Mirkovic, 29, has just returned from Gueckedou, Guinea is a second-year EIS with a PhD in pharmacology. Her goal was tracking down people who have been in contact with infected patients. “One day there were two deaths of people with Ebola in one village, and 218 people were added to our list of contacts that day,” said Mirkovic. “We are talking about tracking down hundreds of people.”

Since Monday the 4th of August, 6 CDC specialists have been deployed to Guinea, twelve to Liberia, 9 to Sierra Leone, and only 4 to Nigeria, which is the latest country to experience a spread of the virus after the first person died from the virus about 2 weeks ago. It is very worrying as Lagos, Capital of Nigeria is the largest city in Africa. This does not bode well.

Dr Stephen Monroe who is the deputy director of the CDC’s National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases mentioned that “If current trends continue, it won’t be long before there’s more cases associated with this one outbreak than all previously outbreaks of Ebola virus combined,”

“In most of these other countries, the initial event starts in a relatively rural area. So if we can get in quickly and contain it before it spreads, it’s much more effective. If it starts to spread in a large metropolitan area, especially in the very urban slum areas, it will be much more difficult to control.”

It is likely that if there is a major outbreak in Lagos then things will get a lot worse before they finally get control and start controlling the spread of Ebola.

Monroe said that the CDC has experts in placed in Nigeria who are examining ebola cases as well as the people they have been in contact with including people helping local authorities with their exit screenings in order to keep all these people at risk of being infected from travelling and leaving the country and possibly infecting other countries anywhere in the world.

Monroe said that “In order to fully resolve the outbreak, we’re clearly looking at months, not weeks of effort,”

The EOC is also serving as the hub for Ebola containment in the U.S., should the disease present itself there. Very conveniently, the CDC is only a few minutes from Emory University Hospital, where two evacuated Americans with Ebola virus disease are being treated.

The CDC has already distributed care guidelines for U.S. hospitals. There is even a team of experts who handle several calls daily from U.S. hospitals concerning sick patients who have recently returned from visiting Africa.

EOC disease specialists are already on route to West Africa, taking the latest outbreak maps with them as they head into a very scary and dangerous zone. The glow from the wall of computerized data sets and updates fills the room—with large graphs that highlight the early summer spikes in Ebola cases.

The whole Ebola outbreak is really scaling upwards with over 1000 people infected already. If the disease spreads to more countries then things are only go from worse to horrendous. We can only home that containment happens very soon and stops the rapid spread of the disease.


How cool is this?

If you’re ready to take your living room on a luxury jungle safari, Maximo Riera has the sofa for you. This imposing animal playfully dubbed the African Water Horse. Measuring 55″x 297″ and textured to closely match a black hippo, the aptly named Hippopotamus Chair may be the perfect accessory to any household floating along the River Nile. Just like a safari, however, it won’t come cheap.

The Hippopotamus is a semiaquatic herbivore mammal, peculiar for its barrel-shaped torso, and is one of the most aggressive and unpredictable creatures in the world. For this design, its tremendous size and volume has been preserved, evading any sections or partitions along its body, in order to accomplish an entire life-size piece


The Hippopotamus is a semiaquatic herbivore mammal, peculiar for its barrel-shaped torso, and is one of the most aggressive and unpredictable creatures in the world. For this design, its tremendous size and volume has been preserved, evading any sections or partitions along its body, in order to accomplish an entire life-size piece.

The skin pattern has been carefully replicated and reproduced to acquire the corrugation and surface imperfections, distinctive of their shape.

This captivating animal has been overshadowed many times by other notorious mammals in the savanna, but its intrepidity and tenacity is well know in their environment. The Zulu warriors preferred to be as brave as an hippopotamus, since even lions were not consider to match their courage.











The Rhino Chair is considered more like a throne than a regular chair.  It contains an inner frame along its body to support the weight and reinforce its balance. There is not a better animal than the Rhino to reflect the nature’s capacity and mightiness.

The artist has been careful to maintain proportions especially as not many have had the opportunity or experience to stand next to such a magnificent beast.

The Artist wants to bring them closer to us, the spectators, creating a virtual interaction. The Rhino chair is built in a superior scale to generate an authoritative force that respects its surroundings, qualities present on the animal itself.









How Hamas assembles and fires rockets from residential areas in Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shows UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon remains of a rocket fired by Hamas terrorists at Israel. (Photo: Haim Zach/ GPO)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu shows UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon remains of a rocket fired by Hamas terrorists at Israel. (Photo: Haim Zach/ GPO)


You can clearly see from this video and narration Hamas terrorists assembling a rocket in a heavily built up area surrounded by hotels and apartments in Gaza.

They firstly put up a tent to build their rocket underneath and then cover it up with trees. The following morning a rocket is fired from the exact location, everything recorded on camera.

This is obviously a clear tactic by Hamas to get Israel to retaliate by firing their own rockets back into the residential area with innocent families, children and pets. At which point they scream blue murder that Israel is attacking and firing rockets into residential areas. I am not taking side but purely pointing out facts.

It is interesting that it only takes 2 or 3 men to setup a rocket which they then fire towards Israel. I am guessing they then disappear once again amongst innocent civilians. At which point any retaliation from Israel unless pin point accurate and immediate is a bit of a waste of time.

This Palestinian mother in the video below was shown such kindness by Jews when her young son was treated, free of charge, for his heart problem in an Israeli hospital. She freely acknowledges this and is grateful however she still hopes that her child will grow up to be a martyr.

This video is a rare look into the mind of someone who worships death and destruction. It is in their make up, their belief system and their way of life. She describes the difference between her culture and all of Western society perfectly when she explains that for her people life is meaningless.

Please share, it is so important that people see this.

Further reading