A New Way of Being


As the light of the moon shines down on the earth in the night sky, there are many secrets which have long since been forgotten. The ancient ones knew these secrets and used tool and techniques to communicate with the stars and those on other planets.

They would share knowledge and stories of what was happening in each other’s worlds. The good and the bad. They would learn from each other and warn each other if there were disasters looming like comets or other dangerous phenomenon.

In these times when they shared knowledge, it was very dangerous for everyone living on earth. Many of the people had stopped believing in the Gods and had stopped building temples and making sacrifices.

Man had become complacent and stopped obeying the laws that were taught to them in order to maintain a society that looked after everyone. It cared for the sick and helped the strong.

Everyone depended on each other and were supportive and empowering. When these laws were not adhered to then society would break down very quickly.

Man would rape and pillage their neighbor, they would start feuds and wars with one another. It was not a pleasant time in the areas where society had broken.

Despite his best efforts, man would not listen to God anymore and so a giant comet was sent to destroy earth and wipe out man as they were known in that day.

Very few would survive and they would be tasked with rebuilding mankind and would have to learn everything again. Farming, animal husbandry, harnessing water, the wheel and so on. And so it was perceived that this was the beginning of man but indeed it was not, this was simply one of many rebirths.

Man lost many skills during these rebirths including communicating with beings in other worlds. They could no longer learn what they had lost.

They had to spend thousands of years, relearning everything again from scratch. They forgot about their history as they tried to survive the harsh cold and the rain and floods.

But there were beings that appeared to teach man the basics like farming and so on. But they did not teach us everything. Still to this day, we have lost many of these skills but they will return and it will truly be a great day when this happens and our eyes will be opened to a whole new way of being.

Long lost technology will be revealed once more. Those who are open to it will learn much and benefit greatly. Those that are closed and close hearted will continue their journey of suffering.

To become an open minded one, firstly say yes to learning new things. Whatever it is. Learn to use your intuition which is the first step to understand this technology when it is revealed to us.

When the time is right, which will be soon. Then all will be revealed and any suffering will melt away like it never existed. There are many changes coming.

We must be open heart and open minded to receive them so that another comet does not have to be sent and we are forced once again to go through a rebirth process.

Start with loving everything and everyone around you. Do not live in fear, anger and frustration. Live in empathy and understanding and love.

When we can make that our first reaction to any incident instead of anger, then we shall discover a new way of being and it will become easier and easier to be this way.

It will be empowering and feel like a huge relief and a weight off our shoulders that we no longer have to fiercely protect ourselves but simply have intelligent conversations that heal rather than cause harm.

Evil men will be ousted and be exiled. A new order will form, built on this compassion and understanding and empathy. Those that do not comply, will also be exiled with the promise of returning once they commit to living in this new way.

It may not be easy for everyone as you have all had many years of being shown the wrong way but the rewards will be priceless for abundance in many different forms will follow closely behind this new way of being.

God does not require sacrifices, he requires this new way and then he too will be compassionate and understanding and there will be no need for another rebirth.

This will be a much easier path to follow. It will be enlightening and joyful and bring peace and happiness and most of all, everyone will feel fulfilled in their life.

They will begin to look after nature and not get tricked by their governments and people in power as to what they should do and not do. You will have free will and free thinking and be free to follow your heart.

All will be pure with no conditions or malice or self-interest. It will all be based on serving one another for the greater good and receiving abundance in return.

We shall all have what our hearts desire and we shall be awake and aware and have a deep connection to everything around us including trees, water, wind and animals.

We shall live well and long and we shall understand limitless and understand that death is to be rejoiced and is never the end. Keep reading for more lessons coming soon to you to live and take this new path.

Death is not the end…

The true meaning of life

Today is a good day because you will learn all about the true meaning of life. Something that so many humans yearn to know and understand. The real secret is that life is actually what you make of it. You’re in charge. You are in control. When you notice people who have a lot of financial wealth or perhaps they are an incredible musician. When you look at them, there is very little difference between them and you.


You are both human, generally, you both have arms and legs and all the same body parts, apart from possibly gender. So, if there are no physical differences, why would you not be able to be in the same position as them. It’s because you have not allowed yourself to create that sort of life for yourself. If you just allow yourself to have what your heart desires (what will make you happy and joyful), then you would have the same as these people that you seem to look up to. Every one of us has a genius inside us, we just need to be willing to take the time to find it and nourish it and live it. We all have a gift to offer the world and with that, comes other rewards in terms of abundance in many different forms.


Of course, it is important to realise that financial wealth is not the be all and end all, far from it. It is more important to be grounded and healthy and have a mind that does not torment you. It is important that you chase after what you would love rather than try and validate yourself by chasing after as much money as possible. There may be other forms of validation that you chase, sleeping around is another example. It is also important to do not try and escape from your mind by drinking obsessively or indeed doing anything obsessively. If enough is never enough then you will understand that whatever you are chasing is not pure. It is not what your heart desires. It is either escapism or validation that you are seeking and it is a finish line that simply does not exist.


You can never be validated if you have missed your opportunity as a young child. You have to be comfortable with what’s done is done and move forward. Always move forward with love. Seek out what your gift is, slow down, take time out, relax, breathe and feel what comes to you in these moments of silence and quiet. You can be the richest person in the world and be completely uncontented and unfulfilled. So the meaning of life is whatever you want it to be. You can either unconsciously create drama, misery, sadness, powerlessness or you can consciously create the life you would love to live. Create your big vision from your subconscious and then put all your focus into making it happen.


Be aware of what distractions are about you that pull you away from that life you would love to create for yourself and let them go. Ask yourself, is this really important in my life, will this help me have that life I want to create myself or is it simply a distraction pulling me in the wrong direction. Do not be a passenger on a runaway train, be the conductor driving the train exactly where you want it to go.

How do we find out true nature & purpose

The first step to finding out about our true nature and purpose is to get in touch with our intuition and subconscious. Our subconscious has all the answers. Once we are open minded enough to accept this and go exploring, we will find out so much more about ourselves.


We can listen out to nudges as to how to live our life. What we need to do next to truly fulfil our highest potential. We need a quiet mind in order to hear our subconscious. We need less noise by doing a meditation that stills our mind. We can then hear what comes up for us. We then do another meditation called land of plenty. In this land of plenty is everything our heart truly desires for ourselves. It’s what we really want. It could be that you will be amazing at writing books or writing songs. You may have a heart’s desire to run a huge global charity that helps people displaced by war or perhaps an animal sanctuary. The truth is that it is different for every individual.


Everyone has a different experience because we all have a different purpose. Once we have written down everything that comes to us in this state of mind where we are exploiting our land of plenty, we then break it down and see what themes are recurring. We pull out and build choices that are true for us. Only eight or nine. With these choices, we choose to focus on them. We choose these choices to be the life we create for ourselves. We choose to follow our intuition and listen to guidance as to what the next steps are. Without our choices, we are lost and ambling through life and hoping something amazing is going to happen. With choices, we have a hard plan to move forward. We have a destination in mind, we now need to get there. When we create what we love, there are no conditions, there is no seeking validation. We don’t have to get engagement from millions of people around the world. We just create and see what happens for us next. The choices we go for make us authentic, they are our truth. They are the real you.


Don’t get me wrong, it will not be easy as we all hate the unknown and we hate change. Our choices are probably going to be way out our comfort zone but that’s the whole point. We either stay where we are and play a small game or we put ourselves out there and really go after our best life with intense purpose. We think that playing small that we are safe but the reality is that we are not because we are not living our truth. We are pretending everything is fine when it is not. We pretend we are happy and fulfilled when we are not or perhaps we just accept that life is supposed to be full of suffering with splattering’s of happiness here and there.


Perhaps we believe that we are nothing special, life sucks and that’s just the way it is. But I challenge you to dare to believe that there is more in this world for you than simply surviving. I was a survivor for over forty years until I suddenly realised that I was responsible for everything that I had created so far in my life. And because I had created hardship and suffering, I was therefore able to create what I would love. An incredible partner who I have a deep connection with and we create together. A beautiful home in a beautiful location close to nature, a self-published novel and many other things that I am working on. Countless revelations of why you have been a certain way your whole life and how to be different and better from right now.


If you are anything like me then these things won’t happen overnight but I have a clear direction that I am going. I have a clear vision that I have seen and felt and touched as to where I am heading. The battle with our ego is ever lasting but with tools to deal with your resistance and an ego that doesn’t want anything to change and is scared of the unknown, the world is your oyster as they say. You can do anything and have anything you heart wants because it is your truth. The universe wants you to be happy and full of love. The universe did not put you on this earth to suffer, your purpose on this earth is not to suffer and struggle your way through. It is to thrive and be joyful and loving, to fully experience unconditional love. To have deeps connections with other beings. It is to be excited about what tomorrow will bring. It wants a big smile on your face as you embrace your vision of living your true nature and purpose.

Rules of the Universe

The universe has rules that apply to all planets and those that dwell upon them. The earth is a very tiny spec in the whole universe but the rules still apply to everyone and everything that lives here. What that means is that firstly, there limitlessness. The universes size and expansion is limitless. You can’t get to the edge of the universe because it simply continues forever and where every there is darkness, It is filled with new birth of stars and planets and galaxy’s and suns. They form new solar system constantly with massive bursts of energy. Stars die and stars get reborn, this is the way of the universe.

In the same way, humans, animals and all other organisms are born and they die and are reborn. Mostly, if they have had a good life then they are reborn on a different planet for there are many worlds within the universe. Indeed, because it is limitless. Another rule of the universe is that expansion and contraction. You are either expanding your consciousness, your imagination and your reality or you are contracting within yourself. Almost forming your very own black hole which always results in death of the body.

Once again, expansion and your imagination are limitless. You barely touch your ability to use your imagination. You think you are but the reality is, you’re at 1% if you’re lucky. You can imagine whatever you wish to imagine and create whatever you would love to create. If God created us just like him then by definition we are all Gods, capable of creating anything and everything.

If God is creating solar systems then so can we. We simply have to expand our imagination to the point that we can imagine ourselves creating our very own solar system and another earth just like the one we live on. We can create beauty and love and tranquility all around us. We can create unlimited resources and energy all around us. We can create money and wealth but that’s not actually the point because it does not come from a pure place. When enough is never enough as in the case with most humans when it comes to money then it is not pure, it is greed and therefore it cannot be created. However, when you create from a place of love and service then you will get all you can imagine.

Another rule of the universe is abundance. We have limitless abundance when we come from a clear and sustainable place. When we are greedy and want it all for ourselves then the rules have been broken and darkness will follow to make way for rebirth. You can cut down all the trees until there comes a time where it is time for a rebirth and then there will be harsh destruction followed by a beautiful spring and fresh growth once more.

The universe works in a way that is create ecosystems that look after themselves. It creates a solar system that functions all by itself. It creates an earth than functions and sustains itself. Again, when the rules are broken then the universe needs to take back control, it will destroy the organism that has taken over and then there will a rebirth of the ecosystem and it will be in balance once more.

Time is limitless. A second in the universe is many human lifetimes. Time is endless, whatever dies is reborn. Energy does not die, it simply transfers to another body and continues on, endlessly.

Another rule of the universe is that everything it creates is designed to thrive. Nothing it creates is meant to suffer. When it notices a human suffering, it will make life more difficult to make that human change their ways for the better. When this doesn’t work, it makes something a little worse happen, again, to make the human change its ways and do something different because it currently not thriving. For a third time, it will make something even worse and often the human will now change. This is why humans often say that bad things comes in threes. They don’t actually come in threes but it takes three messages until the human understands the message and makes the desired change.