How to deal with adversity

What I would love to talk to you today is about how your ancient ancestors dealt with adversity. In these times, many thousands of years ago, they did not have the luxury of sitting around and complaining about their hard life or what they were missing or a family member that had been savagely killed by a sabre tooth tiger.

There was no time to sit around for a start and secondly, while they were sitting in their victim mode, feeling sorry for themselves and complaining about this and that, they would be savagely killed by another large predator who would make them their dinner.

You had to be sharp and you had to really want to survive in the ancient world for there was danger all around you. However, this was not all bad, for those that wanted to survive, thrived in this environment. They understood that they just had to get on with it.

They learnt from any mistakes (if they didn’t kill them) and did things differently next time. They had a deep connection to their surroundings and to nature and to the earth. They even had a deep connection to all animals so that when their senses were heightened, they could easily sense danger coming.

If they were not focused and feeling sorry for themselves, then it would not be long before they became food for a predator. In the world we live in today, there are still many dangers out there but most of the time, we are relaxed and not paying attention.

You may fall for a scam or have a car accident because you’re not paying attention or something much worse may happen. This all comes down to paying attention and being aware of what is going on around you and being responsible for yourself and for your family.

When we relinquish this responsibility and make it someone else’s problem or we sit there complaining about anything and everything, then bad things are likely to happen. You are responsible for yourself and for your family members. Do not be a victim, ever.

You can be a target but never a victim. Embrace the beauty around you, be aware of love and danger. Choose only important things to focus on. Don’t focus and worry about things that you cannot change, it will suck your energy and put you in victim mode where things happen to you.

Be a creator where you specifically go after things that you would love in your life. Don’t get distracted by the news and media talking about things that are firstly probably false and secondly you can’t change. You have a responsibility to your immediate circle.

Put your focus on them and on yourself. Be responsible for your own health and wealth. Take action towards what you would love. Use your energy and time wisely. They are limitless when used in the right way but both disappear very quickly when wasted.

Don’t waste your gifts and talents. Bring them to the world as intended and create abundance for yourself by serving the world. Be the genius you were born to be and create a magical life for you and your family.

Focus on your end result

Every day is full of little struggles and hiccups but the little wins you get along the way bring joy and pleasure. Keep your focus on these little wins and keep your focus on making those wins happen.

Those little wins are your end result. Have a clear expectation of your end result and what you want to achieve. When you hit a hurdle or a problem, don’t forget to maintain your focus on the end result and do not lose hope.

Do not give your subconscious the wrong message that your end result doesn’t matter anymore and you’d rather just turn into a victim and complain about not getting what you want.

Magicians know that even when faced with the biggest mountains in the way of their end result that they have the power to practically manifest their end result.

The how doesn’t matter, what matters is that you don’t give up. You sit with the tension and know, deep down that you will achieve your end result regardless of your circumstances.

When you achieve your end result and get what you want, it will give you confidence to practice this the next time you come across a problem or a mountain in your way.

Maintain your focus, don’t deviate and imagine that you already have what you want. It is just a matter of time catching up and you getting what your heart desires.

New Year?

What has changed today, compared to yesterday apart from a bunch of manmade numbers. You know you have the power to make any change you would love to in a heartbeat.

You do not have to wait for a day or month or year to change. These are just manmade measurements of time. Notice how quickly you forget what day it is when you are on holiday?

It’s because the day is largely irrelevant, apart from leaving day and going back to your old life. At no point does time ever stand still and wait for the new year to arrive so that you can begin doing whatever it is you have decided you should do or would love to do.

Day and night is relentless as it moves onwards and you lose time waiting for the perfect moment to start. The perfect time to start is always right now, not when everything is perfect, not on the first of the month or the first day of the new year.

As soon as you wait for the perfect time or perfect date, you have told your subconscious that you are not serious, you are happy to wait because it is not actually that important to you.

If it was important, you’d already be doing it. It is important to give your subconscious the right message. This is important to me, I want to focus on this and achieve it and so let’s start right now.

Be aware of when your ego wishes to make conditions perfect before you start because this is self-sabotage. Remember as well to make anything you wish to do, easy and playful and joyful.

One of the rules of the universe is that it wants you to thrive and have a great human experience. If you get too serious and whatever it is you’d love to create in your life becomes a burden to you, then you are unlikely to follow through on it.

Enjoy whatever it is you wish to create in your life. Be playful and be aware of when you become serious and put pressure on yourself. Remember, magical creations that come from the heart are just that.

Magical creations and they have no conditions attached to them. For example, if you write a book because it is what your heart would love to create then that is the creation. The creation is not having millions of people buying your book, that is a different creation.

The problem comes when you seek validation or acknowledgement from whatever it is you have created. Then it doesn’t come from a pure place and so, it will generally not work out. Just listen and follow what your heart would love to create for you and keep it simple and pure. No conditions.

Do things for the love of doing them, not because you feel you have to. If you have this feeling of having to do something then it becomes heavy and it is not joyful or fun or from a pure place.

Create a vision for yourself of what you would love to create in your life and then put all your focus and energy into creating that. Do not get sucked into distractions.

Give your subconscious the right messages and don’t fall foul of believing you’re not good enough, or the time isn’t perfect or you are not perfect.

Everything is perfect, the universe is simply waiting for you to take action and lead a more fulfilled life that you deserve.