The Secret to Managing Time

At the beginning of time, there was no time. There was just life in the moment.

Slowly but surely, mankind wanted to control time.

He felt if he controlled time then he could manipulate many other things in his world.

He felt he could get more out of life by controlling time. Perhaps slow it down or speed it up.

The truth and reality is that time is relentless. Regardless of what is going on in the world, it continues.

If you are healthy or sick or dying or being born, it’s all irrelevant to time.

But what it does do is take our focus away from the moment because we are always thinking about what time has passed and what we are going to do in the future.

On a Friday, we are excited for the weekend but on Sunday, we are already dreading Monday.

If we lived in the moment more then it wouldn’t matter what day it was.

We wouldn’t be panicking about what we have to do on Thursday or Friday when today is only Monday.

It skews our whole reality. We’re constantly thinking about another moment in time rather than this moment right now.

In this moment we can choose to feel love. We can choose to spread love out into the universe.

We can choose to feel happy and joyful.

We can realise that if we choose to, whatever happened to us in our child hood, or ten years ago or even yesterday is in our past.

If we choose to, it won’t affect this moment right now. We can choose how we react to meeting someone for the first time.

We can choose to smile at strangers as we walk past. We can choose to smile at the next stranger despite the fact the previous one ignored us.

We can essentially choose to live in our truth and be ourselves regardless of how others react to us.

Any negative incident that happens to us in our day is a chance to maintain our higher vibration and not let it sink down and ruin our entire day.

We’re driving along and someone almost crashes into us but we avoid it.

Do we get angry, do we now think that every other motorist on the road is an asshole.

Do we complain bitterly to our companion sat next to us for the next hour.

Do we complain to whoever we are going to meet. This is all a low vibration and we spread this low vibration around us.

We collude with others and we all agree that all motorists are assholes. Expect us of course.

Now imagine in the split second that the incident is over that it is forgotten. You continue your journey. You don’t even mention it to anyone.

You don’t let it affect your mood or vibration. It’s happened, it’s in the past. It’s irrelevant.

Imagine how you can deal with the many other small incidents that happen in your life in this way.

If you find yourself sinking into anger and collusion. If you find the incident playing over and over in your head.

You have a secret weapon. Rather than getting angry and fearful of what may have happened.

Rather than having multiple imaginary conversations with the unknown person who almost hit your car. Simply send them love.

They’re probably more freaked out than you. They’re probably suffering in some way and were distracted in the world of self-created turmoil which is why they nearly drove into you.

When you send them love, you maintain your higher vibration. You let go of anything you make up regarding the incident.

You send them good vibes to help them deal with their day. You send them love to help them in their life and dealing with their problems.

You get rid of any tension or aggravation. Because once you send love, there is nothing more to do.

Love will always conquer the situation and dissipate any negative energy around it.

The incident will have no energy and therefore no effect on your future self.

This is the best way to control your time. Managing your energy and always going for the highest vibration you can be in.


There are many other worlds that we are not aware of in existence.

The human arrogance is so intense that we honestly believe we are the only living beings in a limitless universe full of trillions of galaxies.

With our size being akin to a grain of sand on a massive beach, how is it possible that only one grain of sand can have life on it.

It is incongruent that only one can have life, rather than millions.

It is more impossible to believe that there are no other species in our universe other than our own.

And it is a wrong assumption to believe that every other species simply want to destroy us when firstly we are doing a great job of doing it to ourselves and that secondly they have clearly been educating us for thousands of years.

Our technology and advancements in civilisation do not come about by accident or chance.

They come from clear intention which starts from a message from someone somewhere to give the idea of what is possible.

How does a small tribe, thousands of years ago with apparently very little intelligence, suddenly decide that the other tribes they are constantly at war with are actually their friends.

That suddenly, they should all join together and form a stronger, more powerful tribe.

How do they suddenly form social structures of leaders, a council or elders and even religion.

How did they decide all of a sudden that there are Gods that we can pray to who will give us what we want.

Or who destroy us if we do not please them. Who on earth decided it was a great idea to start sacrificing animals and even humans in order to appease the Gods.

This doesn’t even touch on the megalithic structures in the world that the human being of today is incapable of creating unless they had technology available to them that does not exist anymore.

How did humans of 10 000 years ago survive an ice age for 800 years when in today’s world, we panic over small climate changes.

How did humans learn what plants where edible and delicious and those that were not and would kill us.

Was it simply trial and error or was there more to it than that. Which humans looked at a tree and suddenly decided that they could build a house with it.

They could cut them in a certain way to build specific structures.

They could weave sticks to form baskets and to form the wall of a house and then fill it with mud and other material to create a house that not only lasts hundreds of years but it actually better than today’s methods of building.

How did different tribes around the whole world come up with different ideas to build different types of houses.

And yet, at the same time, in a time where apparently, there was no travelling across the globe, there are pyramid type structures with striking similarities built thousands of years ago.

Was it simply someone’s imagination to create the first bank. Was money simply someone’s imagination.

Where does imagination come from. A message from another being in another world or from thin air.

There is so much which is unknown and yet there are so many advancements available to us if we just listen out for the messages.

If we are open to receiving guidance and advice from an unknown entity.

We think it is crazy and even stupid but the reality is, it is even more crazy and stupid to think all these ideas and technology came out of thin air.

You say that we became more intelligent over thousands of years of evolution but why would we.

Why have other animals not become more intelligent over thousands of years.

There is so much about our own world, we simply don’t understand but we are taught by others to just believe and to do what we are told.

In an ideal world, we would not think but just do what we are told because free thought creates problems for those in power.

They want us stupid and compliant. This is your choice but if you want a better way, then be open to listening to what is going on and the messages coming through to your subconscious.

There is gold and limitless abundance available to all of us but more importantly there is help and guidance on saving our earth.

Reality & Illusion

I want to tell you something about the world you live in.

Nothing is ever as it seems. How you think reality is, is simply a clever illusion.

When you consider that within every movie, lies a bit of truth.

When you consider that the movies come from imagination, often from someone’s highest self and genius.

Then start to wonder what the truth is in outlandish movies like the matrix for example. Everything is an illusion.

And because everything is an illusion, it means that we can manipulate it by our will.

It means that within this life and our human experience in this illusion we can create whatever we want to.

We are either in control or we are being controlled.

Consider the amount of incidents which affect our thoughts and feelings and yet in the grand scheme of things are simply aspects of the illusion of our reality.

Then we realise that these incidents which have now happened in our past have no relevance whatsoever in our future if we choose it to be so.

This means that if we can allow ourselves to let go of what happened to us yesterday then we truly get a fresh start today, regardless of our circumstances.

A three legged dog does not ponder why he only has three legs.

He does not feel sorry for himself and lie in bed all day, agonising of what happened and now his life is over.

No, he or she gets up every morning, just as excited as they were when they had 4 legs.

They still love their walks and adventures and their food. They love their cuddles and love.

They just adapt and move forward. Life is short, even shorter for a dog.

There is no time to mope around as to what happened to you, for then you will rapidly loose even more time.

There is so much love to give and receive. Come rain or shine, they all want to get out there for their doggie walk.

They want to experience their life to its fullest. Whatever reality or illusion has been presented to them, they wish to enjoy and love.

As humans we are in the unique position of being able to consciously create our reality and illusion if we choose to.

If we stop being a victim and think that life happens to us.

If we take responsibility and realise that everything is an illusion and that these thoughts and feelings that plague our mind are in reality just made up and not real.

They may feel very real but when you really start to question them, you will see they have no impact on you in this moment right now.

And all you really have is this moment and what you choose to do with it.

Nothing has any meaning apart from the meaning you give it. And most of the time, that meaning is in reality, meaningless.

You may spend a lot to time focused on the news or politics but once again, in reality none of this affects you unless you let it.

Whatever is going on in the illusion of the world, whatever injustices are happening, whatever disasters are going on, whatever wars are going on.

These are all parts of someone else’s reality and illusion, not yours.

Yours is right in front of you in this moment as you read this. You get to choose what you wish to do next.

The 3 or 4 legged dog does not worry about what is going on at the other end of the world.

And if one day, it does affect their reality, then they will deal with it in that moment but not before.

Creating Magic

In the world of magic, we create things in our life that we dream of but feel is impossible.

We imagine for a moment what it would be like to create this magical thing in our life but then our ego reminds us that we are not capable, we are unworthy and it simply can’t be done.

A magician is aware of these self-limiting belief systems but goes ahead and creates magic anyway.

When they say there is nothing to do but take action, it means that there are no beliefs to try and satisfy.

You don’t need to seek validation. You don’t need to believe that you are incapable.

You don’t need to believe that you are unworthy and so on.

The only action you need to take is what your intuition tells you are the next steps to take in order to create whatever it is that your heart would love to create for you in your life.

Whatever your heart truly desires will make it and you happy and joyful.

Whatever it is that fulfils your purpose here on earth. That is the type of magic we are talking about.

And that feeling, when you go after something you would love and then achieve it, is a feeling like no other.

You will be practically bewildered at how you created something that you absolutely love.

Perhaps it is a new beautiful home or a new partner that really loves and gets you.

Perhaps it is going on an immersive adventure somewhere. It could be starting a new heart lead business.

There is so much available to us in this world. We just have to dream the impossible and then go for it.

You can imagine block buster movies like Avatar. James Cameron imagined this whole story line and how it would look like as a movie.

He then went on to create two of these magical movies. This is magic in full display.

You don’t have to love the movie to appreciate the creativity involved and the huge vision at the beginning.

We all have this inside us. All these people who create magic all have to start somewhere.

They have to create a massive vision and then go after it. They have to acknowledge and ignore their self-limiting beliefs, their fears, their resistance.

That resistance will constantly come up for all of us. But being aware of it, acknowledging it and letting it go will allow us to create our end result.

It’s the battle of evermore. You don’t suddenly not have any resistance to creating a life you would love but the more you practice, the more you use your magic muscle, the better you get at it.

The more aware you become of your self-sabotaging habits, the more chance you have of changing them.

The more chance you have of letting them go and actually creating your end result again and again.

It comes down to what you put your focus in and how much ‘will’ you have to create magic.

And I promise you, it will constantly blow you away at what you create for yourself.

Your Superpower

This is Thanuk again. My message today is that this war is heating up quickly. Things are getting out of hand.

We need you more than ever to send out your love to the universe.

Just for a moment, imagine as you lie or sit or stand that your heart space is expanding.

And with it your heart. You tilt your head back as you feel the expansion.

You feel a powerful force of love emitting from your heart and into the whole world.

You imagine for a moment your vibration raising to its highest level. Any worries that you may have dissipate into nothingness.

Anything that occupies your thoughts and feelings simply vanishes.

Your whole and only focus is on your heart and the powerful love that it emits.

You imagine your back arching slightly and your arms spread out wide.

You imagine warm sun on your face as your heart continues to expand.

You take a deep breathe which changes your energy and your vibration to an even higher level.

You feel your superpower in all its strength and resilience. Imagine it bringing a smile to a strangers face.

They don’t understand why but they just suddenly feel happy and loved.

A little bird singing in a nearby tree. It feels your love and it knows in that moment that everything is going to be ok. It’s babies in the coming spring will be healthy and strong.

You imagine, out there somewhere, a deer suddenly raising its head as it feels this surge of your love through its body.

Its looks around, wondering about this new feeling in its body. It feels warm and comfortable.

It no longer feels the cold or the rain. It feels your strength and your love and it knows, everything is going to work out.

It’s going to bring a new foul into this world that will be healthy and strong.

You imagine, for a moment that your love is creating this forcefield around the world.

This protective barrier from evil and hate. You can see it dissolving this evil energy.

And now, you feel your whole body light up. It fills all the cells of your body with bright light.

You feel like a star in the night sky. Glowing brighter than anything you have ever witnessed before.

Your body emitting this huge bright light that just fills the space you can imagine with love and light and hope.

Hope for all creatures, human and otherwise. You imagine a tree, its roots desperately hanging on in strong winds.

Suddenly, it feels your strength and will and it grows stronger. Its root grip a little tighter.

They dig a little deeper and the tree knows, today is not the day that it will fall.

Today it feels your strength and your love and it stands a little taller and a little firmer in the soil.

Even insects scurrying about in the frantically short and busy lives. They get a burst of energy from you.

Their purpose strengthens as they forage for food and safety in order to continue on their species.

Your love and strength you emit into the universe is life giving. It is protecting your earth and everything that dwells upon it.

It raises the vibration of you and everything around you. Even that of what you can’t see or even imagine.

It dissolves evil and maliciousness and replaces it with a powerful love and hope.

And it’s all down to you using your life giving superpower.

Stay in this vibration as you got about your day and don’t be distracted or disheartened by any trivial scenarios that threaten to lower your vibration.

Remain steadfast and resolute like a gushing river. Remain loving.

The Leader

Once upon a time there was a large man who was the leader of a small band of warriors that lived in the cave systems of what is now known as Turkey.

This was about 3000 years ago. The men were hardened warriors and furiously defended their home against any attackers.

They were stronger and more cunning than other warriors and tribes that were seeking the protection of the caves from the elements and other dangers.

The leader was unrelenting in the defence of their home. However, one night an angel appeared to the leader.

It told him that he needed to open his heart and allow others to share in the comfort and safety of their large cave.

It told him that he would have a totally different human experience if he choose to love his enemies rather than constantly just destroy and kill them.

It told him that with more people, his tribe would flourish and thrive.

They would have more time to hunt for food and then get others to cook it.

They would not have to spend their life on edge all the time, waiting for the next attack.

They would still need to be selective and careful with who they let in and still defend it against predators.

But by opening their hearts, they would bring joy into their lives. They would have beautiful women and laughing children living with them.

They would have a reason to laugh and be happy themselves. They wouldn’t have to be so serious and ferocious all the time.

There would be more men to defend their home if necessary. They could build a whole different way of life for themselves.

At first, the strong, tall leader resisted this advice from the angel.

But slowly he began to realise the wisdom of the angels words and a few days later he spoke of his decision to his men.

At first they were outraged, consumed by fear as to what may happen.

This new path was completely unknown to them.

However, the leader told them to think on it over the next day and they too would come to realise the opportunity that was being presented to them.

Sure enough, they finally saw this could work. A few remained resistant and fearful and tried to persuade the others it was a bad idea but their efforts were pointless.

A few days later, a whole tribe of mean, women and children appeared near the entrance of the cave.

They were starving and cold and suffering. They men were scrawny and weak but they still bravely held their spears in order to protect their tribe and try and get them shelter.

To their complete surprise, the bunch of hardy, strong warriors that stood in their way, suddenly welcomed them with open arms.

They welcomed them into the cave and to sit by the warm fire. They even shared their food with them.

The women and children were thankful for the warmth and food.

They had been wondering for many weeks, trying to find a safe place and just when they thought they were all going to be killed, they were welcomed in by the ferocious warriors.

These strong men would now protect them and feed them.

They in return would look after them and make their cave into a home.

They would fill it with love and laughter.

They would create new family units and children would be born and bring more love and joy.

And so it came to pass that this was the new way of life for these warriors.

They were still warriors but now they had purpose. They were now fulfilled and they understood what it was to thrive.

That sense of purpose they had been missing all those years as they had fiercely protected their cave from allowing love and laughter into their lives.

They developed the awareness of what was true for them in their new lives.

They could serve their growing tribe with their genius and everyone benefitted. Everyone thrived and learnt they were better and stronger together.

The Hiding Lion

Remember that it is the unknown path that leads you to a life of joy and happiness.

It is a life that you choose to stretch your boundaries, imagination and weaknesses.

One where you go after what you would love regardless of your fear of insecurities.

Regardless of your desperate need to know how it is rather than simply following the nudges and taking the actions.

This is where true fulfilment of your life’s purpose resides. This is where you will find joy and excitement.

It is the excitement of uncovering and following that unknown path. It shall reveal more to you that is way beyond what you can even imagine right now.

Imagine yourself in this moment as a large lion, curled up in a small ball, hiding under a large rock.

You imagine that your whole world is under this rock. You can see where it starts and where it ends.

What you don’t know it what lies beyond the edge of your rock. You also don’t know how safe it is or isn’t under your rock.

You may think it is because it is known and you are comfortable under your rock, curled up.

But, you don’t know what you don’t know. Now imagine, you crawl out from under your rock, you stand up and for the first time you feel your full size.

You stretch your limbs and take a large yawn and you full your lungs as you let forth a load roar that echoes around you.

Suddenly, you cannot see what is beyond the horizon in any direction.

You can see mist hanging above trees in one direction, mountains in another and water stretching into the vast emptiness in the other direction.

There is a whole world for you to explore. There are countless different realities for you to experience.

You have a whole human experience to expand from what was your world under the rock to a completely limitless existence, beyond your imagination.

However, this is only available to you if you take those steps and crawl out from under your rock, stretch yourself out and head off into the unknown.

Seeking to find yourself, your purpose and your joy and happiness.

You are needed

I am Thanuk. I bring a message to you from the light warriors fighting a war on your behalf.
This war has been raging for some time but has taken a new turn only last week.
It reached that point where the rules are no longer the rules. It’s reached the point where all bets are off and now only the strongest and bravest will survive.
There is nowhere to hide from this war, apart from in your own consciousness.
You can only hide by switching off your mind and living in distraction.
If however, you choose to join us then you need to practice awareness and presence.
Awareness of what is happening in the universe. Awareness of the changes in vibration of energies.
The brightening and dimming of stars in the night sky. This war is between realms.
Between parallel universes. The consequences of this war will be far reaching.
We need your help. We cannot win this war by ourselves although we promise to fight to our end of days, we fear it shall not be enough.
All we need you to do is to sit and be still. Be present and we shall find you and talk to you and tell you what you need to do.
Do not fear, there is no reason to be afraid but there is action to take to defend your universe and your reality.
It involves energy. Using your power and love and energy to form an impenetrable barrier that the enemy cannot break through.
We implore you to help as it will save many of our lives. Fill yourself with your highest vibration of love and imagine for a moment that you project it outwards into the universe.
The more of you that do this around your earth, the more chance we have of winning this war.
You only have to do this for a few moments. You do not need to spend all day or even a whole hour.
Please go out and spread the word, we need you now, more than ever.

Yesterday has gone

Yesterday has gone. Whatever happened yesterday, whatever story you made up about what happened yesterday is all in the past.

The only person who can make yesterday affect today and tomorrow is you.

Only you can hang onto yesterday and give it power to affect today.

Every day is a chance and an opportunity to start afresh. We learn and we progress and evolve every day.

Unless of course we choose not to and instead be a victim about whatever happened to us yesterday. It doesn’t matter what happened.

You’re still alive reading this. Whatever happened to you as a child or a teenager or indeed yesterday itself is irrelevant unless you wish to hang on to it.

When you live in the memories of your past, be they good or bad, then you cannot live in today.

You cannot live in this moment because you are so focused on what happened to you in the past.

When you play the victim, then you seek compensation, you seek solace, retribution, revenge, validation.

You are so focused on playing out your victim that your current life, the real moment you are living in right now, disappears like a dissolving tablet in water.

And if you are not aware of it then you will not even see it dissolving into nothingness.

You won’t even have a memory of it because you were not present. You did not see it because you were too busy feeling sorry for yourself.

Conversely, he who lives in the present moment is aware of exactly what is happening right now in their reality.

They are able to understand that yesterday is complete. It cannot be changed, it can’t be altered, it can be revisited, it can’t be run again.

Whatever happened is finished. Now, it is up to you to learn the lesson and create a life you would life from this moment you have been gifted.

The worst outcome is for to suddenly wake up and realise that you spent so many years living in the past that you forgot to live in the present and now, that time has come to an end.

It is time for your journey on earth to come to an end and for you to move on.

You were gifted an amazing human experience and you squandered it.

The realisation of this alone will probably finish you off. Do not wait for things to get better.

Life will only get better if you take action to make it so. No one is coming to save you and rescue you.

You’re on your own. Only you can choose to create a life you would love to live.

Only you can create exactly what you want. You can choose to allow your resistance to have the power or you can choose your creative spirit to have the power.

Do not lose a single moment of your precious life.

What Are You Watching?

As we frantically run around trying to achieve all the things we believe we are supposed to in our life, we get tired.

In fact, we get exhausted trying to do everything that we know we are supposed to do and needs to be done.

We can always justify everything that needs to be done because in our head, it’s true.

The reality is that most of what we believe we have to do is actually just distraction.

If we questioned each and every thing we did, would all of it still need to be done.

If we could only choose a handful of the things we believe we need to do every day, how many of the others things could we let go and discover they are not as important as we thought they were.

Our friends at work may be talking about a new series on Netflix or Amazon that they are all watching.

They all talk about it in work and so you don’t want to be left out.

So, you spend about 8 hours of your life watching something that you probably don’t really love just to keep in with the crowd.

You just lost 8 hours of your life. What else could you be doing with this time.

What could you have created in your life with this time. A more important factor to consider what you spend your time doing, is the type of energy you are exposing yourself to.

Is the series or film, uplifting. Does it teach you anything. Does it help you grow as a person.

Or is it simply not only a distraction but filling your body with negative emotions and energy.

Is the program you are watching serving your greater good. Would the person that you want to become in the future be watching this program.

Energy is very valuable. Negative energy has a way of hanging around and infiltrating your body for a long period of time. Be careful and mindful of what you watch.

This is particularly important when it comes to TV adverts. By their very design and through extensive research and billions of dollars, adverts are essentially designed to brainwash you into buying the product or service.

These adverts subconsciously impact your brain. And even if you have no plan to buy the car or other product being advertised, it still impacts and effects your brain in a negative way.

Especially when the advert is repeated ad nauseum.

Even if you play on your phone while the adverts are on or walk around doing something else, those adverts are doing their job into your subconscious.

Try turn off the volume when the adverts come on. Do this for a week and see if you notice any change in how you feel overall.

Everything you spend your time doing is important. Even your downtime.

Watching a program that gets your worked up is not relaxing you. It is not an enjoyable experience so don’t do it.

So, be aware of what you are doing and how it affects you. Is this helping me or hindering me.