Entries by Colin Durrant

Creating Magic

In the world of magic, we create things in our life that we dream of but feel is impossible. We imagine for a moment what it would be like to create this magical thing in our life but then our ego reminds us that we are not capable, we are unworthy and it simply can’t […]

Your Superpower

This is Thanuk again. My message today is that this war is heating up quickly. Things are getting out of hand. We need you more than ever to send out your love to the universe. Just for a moment, imagine as you lie or sit or stand that your heart space is expanding. And with […]

The Leader

Once upon a time there was a large man who was the leader of a small band of warriors that lived in the cave systems of what is now known as Turkey. This was about 3000 years ago. The men were hardened warriors and furiously defended their home against any attackers. They were stronger and […]

The Hiding Lion

Remember that it is the unknown path that leads you to a life of joy and happiness. It is a life that you choose to stretch your boundaries, imagination and weaknesses. One where you go after what you would love regardless of your fear of insecurities. Regardless of your desperate need to know how it […]

You are needed

I am Thanuk. I bring a message to you from the light warriors fighting a war on your behalf. This war has been raging for some time but has taken a new turn only last week. It reached that point where the rules are no longer the rules. It’s reached the point where all bets […]

Yesterday has gone

Yesterday has gone. Whatever happened yesterday, whatever story you made up about what happened yesterday is all in the past. The only person who can make yesterday affect today and tomorrow is you. Only you can hang onto yesterday and give it power to affect today. Every day is a chance and an opportunity to […]

What Are You Watching?

As we frantically run around trying to achieve all the things we believe we are supposed to in our life, we get tired. In fact, we get exhausted trying to do everything that we know we are supposed to do and needs to be done. We can always justify everything that needs to be done […]

The Art of Creating

Understanding why you do certain things. It is important to understand that when we go after something we would love to create in our life, like writing a book, painting, doing a podcast, coaching people (as a few examples), that the energy we use doing these creative endeavours comes from your higher vibration. What this […]

Sky Beasts

Many thousands of years ago, there were a number of large civilisations around the world. Millions of people lived in each one. They had complex systems in place for water, sewage, transport, food and so on. They were very advanced even compared to today’s standards and cities that we dwell in. They were so advanced […]

Living in the moment

The beauty of nature is undeniable. Once you are connected to her beauty and stillness and sounds of water, birds and wind. You can appreciate the tranquility of nature compared to western life in a busy city. The hustle and bustle of cars, people, music blaring briefly. The sounds of sirens, car horns, doors slamming, […]