Entries by Colin Durrant

Who is teaching us?

We live our lives based on how we think it should be. This is based on what other people like our parents and teachers have told us. The problem is, they don’t know. So we are being taught how to live our lives by people who don’t know any better than us. This creates a […]


There is an element of desire within all of us. Not for sex but for knowledge and wealth and love and to be surrounded by beauty every day. For some, it consumes us, we spend all our time and energy going after something that is impure. Chasing wealth and beauty are not pure desires. They […]

Consequences of not living in your genius

Imagine for a moment that your purpose in life is to save millions of lives. It was the single reason that you were put on this earth. To save these lives with your genius skills and passion which are currently unknown to you. Imagine, if you never understand or get to explore what your true […]


The art of patience is to recognise when you are bored. For it is when you are bored that you get restless. When you are restless then your mind wanders and your thoughts start to take control and run away with you. In recognising this when it first starts to happen will allow you to […]


As you sit quietly observing your many thoughts flowing like a river through your head. Begin to slowly take control of one. Examine it and identify if it has any truth about it or if it is simply made up and creating distraction. If it is not true for you, discard by calmly putting it […]

The Wise Man

There was once a wise man that lived in the mountains above his village. He lived alone and fended for himself. However, the villages still cared for him and would leave gifts of food and blankets outside his cave. They never asked for anything in return nor expected anything for it was just their way. […]


A message from God. My people, my beings, my everything. I put you on this earth to experience life. It was my gift to you. I gave you consciousness to be able to choose the life you would love to have. To choose to be good or bad. To be able to distinguish the difference […]

The Elders

When these two vital things are lost then humanity makes the same mistakes again and again. And for this reason, humanity does not evolve or progress for they are so full of fake knowledge that they cannot see the truth. They fully believe their perception of the world and believe it is the only one […]

Opening Your Heart

In the essence of what we find beautiful is in effect designed to distract. The beauty of a person distracts us from seeing their true self. We assume that their beautiful exterior automatically means that their interior is just as beautiful. While this may be the case in some instances, it is not a rule. […]

Taking Action

Mastery of ones emotions starts with a clear understanding of your ability to be aware of what is going on in your life. When you can recognise patterns and take responsibility for the actions you are taking or not taking then you will begin to understand that being emotional about things that you cause is […]