Entries by Colin Durrant

The Dawn Of An Ancient New Society

In 10660BC, there was a great war. Many small villages all sent their men and young boys to fight in this war. It was a sort of mass uprising. Many of these small tribes where being attacked and plundered by a bigger tribe in the south. And so the rest of the tribes, who weren’t […]

How to deal with conflict

Click here to listen to the audio version – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/how-to-deal-with-conflict There was once a time when men were angry and frustrated with the way the world was being run by certain species of powerful extraterrestrials. They were slaves and they were worked hard. They were beaten and starved. The women and children were punished and […]

No One is Coming To Save You.

Click here to listen to the audio version – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/no-one-is-coming-to-save-you There is a fantasy of living a magical life when you are a child. A happy ever after, like all the fairy tales. And yet, as you grow up. You keep wondering when this magical happy ever after is going to materialise. You eventually realise […]

Chasing Fulfillment

Click here for the audio version – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/chasing-fulfillment We are all in constant pursuit of something in our lives. Be that money, happiness, fitness or pleasure. The problem comes with this pursuit becomes unhealthy for us. We put pressure on ourselves to get whatever it is we desperately seek. This causes stress which has a […]

Climbing The Mountain

Audio version available here – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/climbing-the-mountain You are in a constant battle between low vibrational and high vibrational energy. In low vibration, you are a victim. Life is happening to you. You are not in control. In high vibrational / frequency of energy, you are a creator. You are in control and you are creating […]


Audio version available here – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/presence There was once a time when all mankind was determined to survive despite the harsh weather. The constant barrage of storms, hot and cold temperatures and ferocious winds. Volcanos erupting all over the world and tsunamis. But despite this harsh weather, it was also normal. They did not get […]

Thnuk’s Wisdom

Audio version available here – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/thanuks-wisdom The war is going our way but we continue to need your support and high vibration and frequency of love being sent into the universe. This is instrumental to our success in this war. I am Thanuk and what you would call the colonel in charge of this war. […]


For audio version, click here – https://colindurrant.substack.com/p/laziness The problem is, that by many years of comfort and warmth, the human becomes lazy. Too lazy to work, too lazy to look after themselves and their health. Too lazy to want to be the best version of themselves. Too lazy to want the best for others. To […]